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Get ready to find those bees all around Honey Harbour. Small felted bees will be hidden throughout the Buzz Marketplace and Art Vendors. You will have to collect 5 bees and return to the Baxter Ward Lions table for your prize.
Scavenger Hunt Begins at 10:00 AM ends at 4:00 PM
Are you interested in showcasing your pet in the Pet Parade? Please show your interest by contacting one of the committee members to let them know.
Event To Be Determined
Awards to be won for the following categories:
Best Pet / Owner Costume
Puppy Love (Under 1 Year)
Old Timer (Over 8 Years)
Please follow the guidelines to make this a good experience for all.
Pet Owners are responsible for their pets at all times
Pets must be in control by their owners at all times either caged, leashed or reined
Pet Owners are responsible to supply food, water and all supplies for their pets
Bee Creative, Have Fun!
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